Tuesday 31 August, 2010

       It's raining since morning. At such days you have no wish to get out of the bed and go somewhere. The dark sky out of the window doesn't motivate you for adventures outside the flat. But you hear the alarm clock and start to move. Totally automatically you dress up for a gym and get out of the flat. You start to wake up totally, while doing cardio and feel really grateful, that you came here. In other case you will feel sleepy for the entire day with such kind of weather. There are not so many ppl in gym in the morning, preferably teenagers, who're quite funny, when they stand in front of the mirror and try to search muscules on their bodies. And in case of any result - continue doing their exercises with huge passion and a goal to be, like that guys on the pictures on the walls. I'm waiting for the swimming pool to start. Don't care much about the ladies and general time, i'm ready to swim in jeans, but to Swim! )))

Thinking about the weekend) it was cool) Actually, everything started from small farevell to Milosz in our flat. For the guys it was the first time to see it) And it was still lacking some basic furniture, which was not a problem for a good time. Farewell party to Melanie. Totally unbelievable, time just flashes. And i understand that i have known her for more than half a year, wow! One more thing comes to my mind, that this Saturday it's going to be exactly one year, as my adventure in India started. Sunday brings a lot of positive news and a dinner in Godfred's house. Food from Ghana tastes 'ama'y'zing', so now the time for Indian - Ukrainian dinner) Actually, already had some trial of "Ukrainian made chicken", results sounds to be tasty;))

I'm grateful to God for the moments he gives in my life, for the person he gave to me. I feel very happy and grateful about it.
Thinking about the rain - think people got really scared, when it was raining 40 days without a stop. The biggest + is the greenery at this period of time.
Found one extremely funny and quite old commercial:
Have fun and learn English)
My progress in languages is not very big As for now - biggest conversation with our maid - 5 sentences from my side)) making fun of myself and continue learning))

Sycle society has new interns. This time balance shifted to the side of the beautiful ladies, which represent Germany and Portugal. I still haven't met all of them, but think it will happen in the nearest future.

Friday 27 August, 2010

Hey! What’s going on in my life for the last weeks)
Extremely good adventure of the past weekend – was our 4 days trip to Goa with Utkarsh. Who told you, that there is a ‘season’ for Goa, can be corrected in better way. Because, there’s always ‘season’ in Goa. Actually it starts from October till March, but in the August Goa will surprise you a lot. It’s worth seeing such beauty of colors and nature as it is there) I was surprised in the positive way of things. It started, when we got out in Margao and took an Activa. This was not the first time of being in Goa, so we decided to find some not overcrowded beach, which will give and opportunity of peaceful romantic weekend. Choice came to Varka after some research in the internet. Varka appeared to be really nice beach, but due to the offseason, there were no shelters on the beach and we didn’t want to agree for smth less than that. Almost the same situation was on Colva and Benolim. So, we took the direction towards the place, which hosted us very nicely last time – Palolem. Driving to the Palolem we were getting excited by the beauty of the nature on the way. You have this feeling for the every moment – let’s stop, take the camera out and click this view – and after 5 meters – one more view. And one more… Palolem had some foreign tourists and lots of fishermen this time. We’ve got a room in the house exactly on the beach. What else do you need? Terrace, with the view on the sea, place to keep your clothes and 10 meters to the sea, where you can run. That was the case with me… But first of all, we were extremely hungry, so went to taste sea food specialties. I really love them a lot. I’m very occasional non-veg, but can’t resist from delicious prawns or fish. Mmm, even now I can feel taste of the prawns in garlic souse if I close my eyes and imagine it. At the same time Goa was greeting us with changing weather – it was quite cloudy, but without heavy rains.
If you have a real wish to test your swimming skills and see big waves – go to the Agonda beach. It has very strong stream and the waves can be of your height) also it has some stone surrounding which gains marvelous green color during the rainy season. So you feel like in fairy tale, palm trees, amazing greenery and white waves…Yup, you can add me, collecting shells and Utkarsh, laughing from this pic))
Back to Palolem. If you want to try extremely delicious cuisine for very reasonable price – try Casa Fiesta. You will be amazed with the taste of the sea food and also can try the Mexican food by the original recipes.
If to put all the XP in bullet points, Goa worth going in monsoon because:
1. Extremely beautiful nature full of colors
2. New places are waiting for the adventure seekers (recommend: Kuskem, Cob de Ram and magic bubbles)
3. Delicious sea-food (recommend Casa Fiesta on Palolem)
4. Extreme trips on Activa during the rain
5. Sea…the magic of it doesn’t let you go without the best memories
6. Moments… (This point you should fill on your own)

Tuesday 17 August, 2010

yeah, i have found some time to appear here.)
What's going in this beautiful part of the world, called India. or if to take bigger zoom - in city Pune and my life)

i learn how to play chess. this is the first thing, which comes to my mind. playing chess with Utkarsh is really tough thing. But it has it's own pluses, it becomes easier to play at my workplace. As for now our score is 60: 3... you know, which points are mine)

i really like the place, where i work now. first of all, job gives a lot of opportunities for creativity and ideas implementation. and i feel happy about it. Second reason is the ppl, who are around me) all our team)) like them;))
this weekend we went for a movie together. (actually, 'expendables' was a nice movie with all old school of action heroes). Let's see, what will happen next)

We've got used to our flat,it's really nice place to live) We still haven't got the internet in our flat, so the only opportunity it's office time. 

Mornings bring a portion of energy after paying a visit to gym) yeah, i feel cool about it, even if you need to wake up at 6a.m.)) feel better, then when just sleeping for the entire morning)) they promise working swimming pool from September, it brings my level of motivation to the top)

Want to share this with you) Made today in the morning. Coming earlier to office has it's benefits: while waiting for somebody to come and open the door, you can spend some time, observing the nature around. I like to take pictures of the nature, it's always photogenic. The funniest thing is, that you can see it every day, but just pass by and don't notice. And at one moment you say: "Wow, it's really beautiful"

Reading "Dilbert about future" by Scott Adams. it's really funny, but i think, that some ideas are a bit out of the date. In any case it's interesting. I find Dilbert quite funny hero. (in the book, when Adams gave his phone number in one of the comics, 650 people called him! and 300 found Dilbert Sexy O_O )) )

sometimes realizing my passion into cooking) i really love to do it. may be, because i think, what will the other person feel, while eating it) and then different ideas are running to the mind) Also cooking is a great way to increase your mood) you can't cook, when you feel bad or disappointed with something)) So you just switch it off and think about the beautiful things which will come)
have a few of images on my working pc)

Friday 6 August, 2010

Leaving and coming… why it’s so f…ing sad, ha? You become friends with people, and the they are going back to their reality one day. Yeah, it’s easy to say, that all people in or life are coming and going, but it’s harder to feel it in real life. Today was the last day of Ira and Petya in Pune, actually, last night. They are leaving to Delhi tomorrow in the morning. I got close to them , at least to Ira. This is true – in Ukraine or Kazakhstan we’ll be foreigners for each other, here in India – close Russian speaking souls.
Yeah, forgot to mention, I’m a bit daisy now. (hope I wrote that word correctly). Kazakh vodka vas really nice. But even a small sip made me to feel so. Was observing one more sad face in our Cs flat – Andre. Got one more thing – I can get angry or disappointed with those ppl, but I really love them. That place is some kind of a magic place, which helps people to build totally different kind of a relationship.
I was not crying, that’s really strange. May be I just trying to hide these emotions somewhere deep inside my soul. This is also true. And I really don’t know, when will have a chance to meet all of them one more time. ‘See you somewhere in our small world’. Think, I say this too easily sometimes. Or just in this moments you feel that the world is really big. Actually, sometimes I don’t feel, like being in the reality – for example, Tony is already n days in China, but I keep in touch through the Google talk.
I really miss that ppl, who have left, but I clearly know, that each of us has it’s own road in this game, which is called life. And we’re together, till we have those number of the experiences, which we need to go through together. And this is really cool. I’m thankful for God for this opportunity. If to think about it, now I have friends almost everywhere in the world, cool yeah….