Wednesday 3 March, 2010

I like mornings. Due to some  very cool reasons. First is that you wake up and see blue sky and sun from the window. and smile comes to your face. somewhere from inside you start to feel that this day is going to be great! Downstairs my baby is waiting for me to make a crazy ride towards Suzlon. It's such a cool feeling to ride a scooter after 3 days being in Goa. Sometimes i have a feeling, that you become like one whole unit with it. So cool. Third point is in Suzlon. That moment when you open outlook in the morning. for me it's always a special moment, like for the child, who is opening a present. You don't know, what's waiting for you inside, but you hope to get letters from yur dear people. and when you see them it makes you feel very happy. They are part of your life, connected with these people, some special moments and feelings. Unfortuatelly, you can't hug people by mail... ))

Today in the drafts I found a post i wrote more then month ago, but didn't publish anywhere. So i decided to give it life here...

Hey, I want to write it in English will practice my writing skill and gather all the thoughts in mind. Interesting, how does it looks like from the point of view of native speaker? May be it sounds too formal or too incorrect? or may be no) it’s interesting. Yesterday, a lot of thoughts were inside the mind. About life, people, just random events. Let’s write and see what will come.

Brazilians. Living in the flat with three Brazilians have some funny moments. one of them send me an article – 'why do I love Brazilians'. Want to share with some comments.

'They are really friendly! I travel alone and it can be hard sometimes when in cultures that are closed and fearful of making new friends'

Totally true – they are the most friendly people I’ve met here in India. Kind, gently and funny. And you always feel – they have big heart inside.

'They are very hygienic – surfaces, buildings and services accessed by the public are cleaned very regularly, and Brazilians have more regular showers than any other culture in the world I’ve encountered'

This one drives me crazy. When you have common shower for you all. Know, they like to think about life, weather, relations… while taking shower. So it’ll last at least 15 minutes) just imagine, you come after that inside, open water and… and you have nothing)) this is not about Brazilians but about our house) water is very limited there. We even had an observation – that the fastest one was Timo, Finland – shower in 5 minutes. And the records man was Cesar, Brasil – almost 1 hour.

'They are proud. Brazilians love Brazil, and they love the state and the city that they are from. As you can tell, this love is spreading and it has infected me!'

True. You know, none of us in the entire flat is so much interested in meeting people from the same nationality. Even when we were in Goa, we met a guy , who goes to the parties in the t-shirt of a football team, just for other Brazilians to recognize him. Can you imagine. And they meet each other as close relatives, which haven’t seen each other for some time.

About nations.

Indians. Depend on society very much. Yesterday had a very interesting talk with my neighbor.

Are you going to have an arranged marriage?



Probably, soon.

Wow! Why arranged…

Know, now the culture of arranged marriages is a bit different. You meet this girl, you get to know her and then get married. To some extend you have no choice, but if you’re living in joint family, It’s better if person understands you and your family.

And if you want to marry a foreigner?

First parents will say no, because of foreigner. If I convince them to meet and if even they like – they will say no because of society, which is monitoring and has very valuable opinion.

So that how it’s here. Writing takes a lot of patience. Really. New thoughts are coming to mind, but the speed of typing is not so fast.

I like to look at the sky, it gives strength. Till it’s above, anything else is not so important.  Sometimes I feel, I’m not so strong. But them I come to myself and say, that for my life I’m the only responsible one. it makes it easier. Love – you should spread love around. Know, sometimes I catch myself with bad feelings towards somebody. Why? as soon as I observe it, I ask myself. And understand – it’s lack of self-confidence and it’s the only reason. So working on it. I want to see the example of love, but I feel inside – that I have this love – it’s love of god. It’s always with me.

Interesting, how long this writing will last? If I’m committed, I can write every day. Concern is – don’t want to write double. But my parents don’t understand English unfortunately. So, we’ll see.

Realization of the first project was successful. Not every attendee cam to it, but the content and the way of delivery were awesome. I’m thinking that it’s even better – people, who really want to develop themselves, will find an opportunity in any place. True. Interesting – you should through out your personal factor to the trainer and listen to content. And think, think a lot. I think, I have enough passion for this job. I get a great joy when I share knowledge with people. Especially, when it is my knowledge. I want to learn how to create sense of urgency. Know, work here is a bit tuft, sometimes I feel totally lost. Then I say to myself that everything is going for learning. Thinking about of the power of appreciation. Know, I’d like my boss to tell me that I’m doing smth good. But from the other point of view now I strive to prove it. prove that I worth trust. And I really worth it. I want to develop thinking skill, that’s why I started to write it. may be in some time I’ll read and laugh from it, let’s see.

Subhashree came to me and proposed to give contacts of her friend, who’s working in Mumbai in learning and development. Great opportunity. And know, I felt a bit addicted to Suzlon and afraid of moving to Mumbai. That means, I should do this to break my boundaries and go out. Because it’s to easy to choose the easiest way of life. But what then? Where is the growth? Challenges develop your character. I like two things on this topic – first – there are only two roads – one is a narrow one, second is hard one. the difference is – which one you will choose.

Called to the orphanage. Understand that I should learn hindi. I can’t make other people to learn English. Actually, what disturbed me – was that that woman said – I have horrible English. I don’t think, it’s like this. So I need to speak more clear and also learn Hindi.

One more time thought about the importance of fights in life came to my mind. If you really want to get something, you should fight for it with all your passion. Make this choice every day, even not every day – every particular second. Sometimes you think, so what, it’s easier to wait till somebody will do it for you. And then ask yourself – you’re the only responsible person in your life, how can you wait somebody do smth for you if you don’t do it for yourself. That’s it. And you move ahead.

What do I read? At home I read very occasionally – I spend more time in chatting and sitting in the internet. No, when I really want, I sit on the second floor and read a book. Take a lamp and give all my attention to it. it’s good. Sometimes I wish, I could wake up earlier, but for me it’s impossible, when there is no sun outside. So I decided, I sleep in the morning.

Our room now – in the morning, you open your blanket and don’t want to go anywhere, because it’s so cold outside. Yeah, I’m from Ukraine, I hear it too often. But I don’t like cold weather anywhere. I need +25 all day long. Then I will feel comfortable. Even more, it’ll be also ok. People tell, cold weather prevents from getting old. May be. But I can’t wear a lot of things for the whole day.

Actually I don’t like snow so much. I like to watch it falling and to play snowballs. I don’t like wet shoes, melting snow around you. I like that beauty side of it) yeah, everything has two sides, if it didn’t melt, we would never feel the beauty of the spring air or hot summer wind. True. Everything has it’s seasons. You should believe, that they change. Even we have polar night and polar day. Despite they are 6 months long, they also change.

What is failure? I think, we’re too concentrated on our failures. If we can say that they exist. Let’s look from the another side on it. if you don’t fall, how would you know about growth? Growth is the difference. If you don’t fall, how will you get up? Why do we think, we fail at all? Because somebody will say? Because we’re not confident in ourselves? We can’t do smth. It’s ok. More important, what will you do with this knowledge. You can always regret, you’re not to able to do smth or you can create a list of action steps. It’s up to you. I think it’s a deep phrase. And the person, who proposed it to aiesec posters was also intelligent. May be it came from his mind, may be no. but in the fact it was really challenging. Why it was not successful? Think, because it’s hard to change adult minds starting with this concept. Often somebody else, who is responsible is been searched for. It’s easier to follow. And now the conception of leader and followers lost itself. Leaders are developing leaders. By example, by passion and inner motivation. True leaders.

That was it...
Have  some new thoughts in my mind, will share...
To be continued))

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