Friday 17 September, 2010

      The week from the last post sounded to be one of the most challenging ones. and it's good. i've learnt so many different things in different areas of life. actually it means, that i'm ready to face such level of the challenges. The main thing now is to implement all the action steps in the reality and move ahead. When i feel to hard i tell myself, that if i got scared after each fall,when i was learning how to walk, i would not be able to do it till now. So life is moving. And i really started to value things that i have more. Think you need some situations in your life, just to realize, that nothing is given to you for granted. i understood one more thing - i'm really lucky and happy person, thanks God for it. and if to take happiness, it should go from you, the last thing is to expect somebody to make you happy. But sometimes it's so easy to feel sorry for yourself, then i wake up from such thoughts and move further. i love this life too much, to give up so easily. And i want to learn, and implement my learnings. So, less words, more actions. It's like a mountain, you climb and fall down and then climb one more time, and so on. And the more experience you get, the more complicated it is to climb that mountain, but you do it. Why? 2 reasons - you get the pleasure of climbing and falling down and you want to touch the ice on the peak. that's it. Or like in the computer game -when you reach some level there will be very beautiful cut scene or video)
      What else is going on? we plan to have an internet in our flat. Sometimes it is so strange to me, that in India with it's good level of technology development, the price of the internet is so expensive. Then i think about the % of the population, who are actually using it, so it becomes reasonable.

     There are a lot of new people. You know, lots of them are still new for me, even if they are here for 1 month already. That's more about the difference in a distance, as i've mentioned some time before.

Wednesday 8 September, 2010

this week was full with different events and memorale dates.
First of all on 4th it was my first anniversary of being in India. yup, time just flew away...but the first memoriesare still alive. I remember my first flight in life and taking pics of the clouds, New Delhi airport and having no idea, what to do after coming out of it. Remember Mayank and Kunal, who made my 1st 2 days in India full with positive emotions.Trainees flat in New Delhi and my trip to Pune. First memories about CS and a number of the memories, connected to my Suzlon XP. Time goes by and i've already joined new company and preparing to make a trip to Ukraine. When you're there you can't believe, that you've ever left that place. Coming back to Pune, brought a lot of changes in the lifestyle. We started to have our separate place to live with Utkarsh and that added a lot of the interesting and happy moments from the one side and a lot of responsibilities from the other side. I'm happy and i thank God a lot for sending him into my life. My xp in Stratecent makes me feel satisfied and wish to do more and more. I feel this capacity inside, so searching for the opportunities. On the date of the 1st India anniversary Kishu's dad was here, so we had a really interesting time with him.
Yesterday i was reminded (Thanks, Edu) about another date. My xp with Suzlon started on 7th of September. It was my first international corporate xp and i'm really glad, that i have it. I try to keep with my excolleagues in touch, but it's a bit different from chatting each day, when you're working together.
Know, i'm happy to celebrate these days, because they tell me about one more thing: live is like a river. it's floating constantly and each day brings you lots of positive moments, luck and xp. And i'm really happy about it.
we, dressed in traditional way
I trully believe, that i will have chances to fulfill my dreams and to meet all the people, with whom we were here in Pune at least one more time, even if we're on the other corners of the planet now. And i know, that both of us, will make our best to sustain and develop our happy life together.

Thursday 2 September, 2010

     Why not? it's actually very good question. Sometimes i notice the moments, when i'm lazy) may be even not just lazy, but sure, that i can do it on the next day\time. For example - seeing something beautiful around you and pass by on the bike, because it's to much actions to take the pic. But from the other side it means, that i don't really want it. Because i've proved to myself number of times, that if you really want something and are ready to pay for it - you'll get it for sure) 
      Now i'm striving to become a professional. Read more, do more and get more. I totally understand, that i'm the only one, who actually cares about my development and further achievements. It doesn't mean, that other people don't care, but if i'm not doing anything, who can help me? 
      I like to talk to my possess, the level of inspiration about our company and products, they carry inside motivates me a lot. I like the job, which i'm doing now, and when you listen to the person, who really believes in uniqueness of our product and great possibilities, it makes me feel motivated even more. It makes me feel, that i'm doing something positive in my life, something, which is a bit above only money, and at the same time it can bring you both - money and development, if you do it with excellent quality. 
      I love life. I totally understand it. And i will keep saying thanks to God for the number of opportunities provided. Even, if something comes, that makes you feel not so good, you understand, that it was only for your development and growth.
     Yesterday we've met new interns from CS and had a pancake party from Jose. There are 3 new German people now - 2 girls and one guy. All of them are for 6 weeks only, because they need to go back to studies in October. One more guy is Kenta, he's from Japan, his English is totally different for me and i have a feeling, that this is mutual. Panckaes from Jose were nice designed and really tasty. Roaming around CS memories and moments were coming to my mind. lots of interesting ones, even looking at the 'wall of honour', which is almost full now (it's fine, we have more walls there))). 

Feel happy...