Thursday 2 September, 2010

     Why not? it's actually very good question. Sometimes i notice the moments, when i'm lazy) may be even not just lazy, but sure, that i can do it on the next day\time. For example - seeing something beautiful around you and pass by on the bike, because it's to much actions to take the pic. But from the other side it means, that i don't really want it. Because i've proved to myself number of times, that if you really want something and are ready to pay for it - you'll get it for sure) 
      Now i'm striving to become a professional. Read more, do more and get more. I totally understand, that i'm the only one, who actually cares about my development and further achievements. It doesn't mean, that other people don't care, but if i'm not doing anything, who can help me? 
      I like to talk to my possess, the level of inspiration about our company and products, they carry inside motivates me a lot. I like the job, which i'm doing now, and when you listen to the person, who really believes in uniqueness of our product and great possibilities, it makes me feel motivated even more. It makes me feel, that i'm doing something positive in my life, something, which is a bit above only money, and at the same time it can bring you both - money and development, if you do it with excellent quality. 
      I love life. I totally understand it. And i will keep saying thanks to God for the number of opportunities provided. Even, if something comes, that makes you feel not so good, you understand, that it was only for your development and growth.
     Yesterday we've met new interns from CS and had a pancake party from Jose. There are 3 new German people now - 2 girls and one guy. All of them are for 6 weeks only, because they need to go back to studies in October. One more guy is Kenta, he's from Japan, his English is totally different for me and i have a feeling, that this is mutual. Panckaes from Jose were nice designed and really tasty. Roaming around CS memories and moments were coming to my mind. lots of interesting ones, even looking at the 'wall of honour', which is almost full now (it's fine, we have more walls there))). 

Feel happy...

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