Thursday 27 May, 2010

Suzlon Xp

So, today is my last day in Suzlon Energy limited. It is said, that I should feel something about it. I don’t feel anything. Actually, it’s more, that I don’t believe in it. May be I will recognize it today, during farewell event, may be tomorrow in the morning. Not now… but somehow deep in my soul I feel that I have some invisible chords, which are connecting me with this people and this place. So I want to write about some moments. Let’s see, what comes to my memory for these 9 months.

Definitely it will be first day. Going in the rickshaw to KP to some unknown place. It’s here. 5th floor (later I will like to go by stairs, not by lift, what will irritate Edu a bit and Michal will call it ‘stamina’. Yeah, guys?). First person who we meet, was Hemangini, she became our guide in the world of Suzlon for initial period of time. I remember it clearly, as if it was yesterday – excursion around 2nd and 5th floor, meeting commodore for the first time, our sitting places and get to know members of Suzlon team. (I didn’t remember any name for the first time, they were so different for me).

E- induction and first meeting with team members. For me it was Swati mam. Wow, I remember the feeling: it was total excitement. When you get, what you really want and you work on it, when you see your future impact and believe in it. I’m very passionate about training, so developing ‘content for coaching for performance’ was really cool thing to do.

First workshop facilitated by Sandip. That time I didn’t know that in 2 weeks I will co-facilitate it. And it was my first co-facilitation experience here, which gave motivation for long time ahead.

Presentation about countries. Haha, I thought my English was good; it was my assumption about it. Now I understand that it was not understandable for most of the people, who were sitting there. But the video was nice. And it saved me.

One Earth excursion. I was impressed by it. It was the most beautiful office complex, which I have ever seen in my life. And even now I’m very proud of it!

Shifting to One Earth. Lekshmy. Our story started quite funny. My side – I started to get interesting spam mails from somebody called Lekshmy U, for that time, my orientation in genders was quite poor, so I was just looking around and trying to understand, whom I’m replying. Then everything started with sweets. Lekshmy side – she thought I have too much attitude.(I should think about it) but everything changed with the sweets. Then were a lot of episodes and stories, which are not directly related to Suzlon (not all of them) but which are cool to remember. Time flushes, yeah Lekshmy? )

Remember first time, when I entered library. I felt in love with it from the first second. So many cool books, in English – in that moment I understood, dreams are really coming true. I spent a hell of hours in this book heaven, especially in one earth, when it was expanded to a great extend. Thanks Madhavi for being with me in this journey. You made it unforgettable)))

Lunches in cafeteria. Edu, who was dreaming about something all the time, and Michal, who was trying to love spicy Indian food and learn how to eat with his hands only. In the end, even I have learned how to do it.

Lonavla trip with Shyam Raj. We heard a lot about this place before going) it was actually quite nice, but as for me – very overpromoted(the same as Mahabeleshwar). In any case, we had really good time with this people.

Dinner in commodore’s house. It was very interesting event, when you get an opportunity to talk to your senior in non-formal situation and get to know more. And delicious dinner, prepared by the second half couldn’t leave any of us indifferent.

That’s true, when you write, preferably positive moments come to your mind. It doesn’t mean that there were no moments, when I was tired, disappointed or frustrated. They were, first of all, we’re human beings. But you choose what to remember. Either to feed your mind with negatives, which are not going to make somebody happier, or to choose another path. I prefer second option – I want to remember the best moments of my experience.

Every day was bringing some learning. How to work in a team, communicate with your boss, be proactive. Thank you Abinash sir for the lessons I got from you for the entire xp, even if sometimes I got the lessons much later then it should be. In any case in the end of the day, one should understand that you’ve learned something. And this is about me: for the entire 9 months I was learning something day by day.

Session about learning objectives. When saw the book about LO for the first time and got to know that I need to make review and presentation in one week, I was shocked. But then, reading it and thinking about each chapter I understood the importance of subject and it start to interest me a lot. Session was nice, and I got the feedback that in 3 months my English became much better, at least people were able to follow up me without big difficulties and problems.

Actually language was one of the main challenges of the xp. First of all – lack of practice in Ukraine, lack of public speaking in it. Now my parents tell me, that my Russian have changed.

First assessment. ’Communication skills’ I was really passionate about this workshop. When you revise it and put a lot of efforts, it becomes part of you to some extent. So it was feeling of excitement, confidence and a bit of fear. Passed, I can deliver it as a co-facilitator. Yeah! I was eager to jump))

Customer satisfaction feedback survey. My biggest challenge here. challenge, which taught me how to be proactive, how to go till the end, how think a bit further, then it seems to be. Thanks God for this challenge. Now I can definitely say it could be done better, I will take this learnings ahead for my future assignments.

Assessment and co-facilitation of ‘Goal - setting’. Learning form subject matter experts is always cool, that was about this workshop. And it also took a lot of efforts in reading and preparation, looking from the participants perspective – what will be interesting for them.

That’s why I was waiting feedback so much. You know, it’s like your kid, you put a lot of efforts in it and you want so much to see the great result. And then you feel so happy about it. Even now I remember the moments of this workshop and they make me feel very –very good.

Lot’s of events, which also brought such kind of feelings. Realization of ‘GLD marketing’, ‘Facilitation skills’, ‘E - induction’. I just want to remember all the good feelings, which connect me to each of these projects.

International women’s day. Women of the company, showing their talents – we have so many talented ones! And even I was reading some poem there)) p.s. got a prize)

Excursions around the wind gallery. I like this place a lot and think everybody should go there. Each slide is a masterpiece.

One earth day and our visit with Utkarsh, Shrish and Puriya here. Crashing the bike on the first day of driving in the parking lot, ‘Proud to be a suzlonian’ wall, ‘Creativity wall’, talks to Madhavi and hours in libratry, time spend with Swati , her Excel workshop, engineering trainees and visit to Satara site, my further communication with each of them, quite good communication with guardians and office boys, whose level of English is the same as my level of hindi, Lekshmy(as mentioned above- separate page of different cases)), meeting Tulsi Tanti, actually occasionally get to know some senior people from the company, morning mails to and from my friends, people, who became my friends here – so many good things happened.

In the end, I would like to thank God for this unique experience. And I know that there will be something new and more exciting in the future.

Tuesday 18 May, 2010

Part 3.

Actually i should write more about the things I really like here in India, then about those, which are totally different.

Basic example is your banking system. I really appreciate, that you can pay with your debit\credit card everywhere, starting from the shops on the Laxmi road and cinemas. I really like the level of internet-banking, especially when you need to book tickets. Was checking with Ukraine, we don’t have on-line booking tickets for buses and trains in such common way as here.

I like your attitude towards traditions. Somehow India managed to save traditional dresses and develop rich fashion industry. For example, even now, saris and salvars are considered as a formal dress, but believe me, you can wear it in such way, that it will look more sexy then western ones. And I really like attitude towards it and respect.

Your festivals and religions will be separate topic of the discussion, very big and colorful one.

One of the best things, I like in India – is national anthem before movies in cinemas. I saw people singing it. Last clip with the participation of Indian army on the northern border is so impressive. Even I start to feel really proud for this country. It will be cool to implement such practice in Ukraine. At least to increase the level of awareness about it in citizens.

Process of getting license for the vehicle. It has both sides, definitely. The good side is it is very-very simple, the opposite one is – that you have no idea how much people will have their first time on the roads today.

Attitude towards family and parents. It will be one more post only about . It has a lot of interesting moments and sides and it’s impossible to cover it in 2 – 3 words.

Food. I can write about it for the entire day. Describing my favorite dishes and what ideas come to my mind. I love cooking, that’s why my close people become the ‘victims’ of my experiments.

Greeks and corporate

In Geek mythology there was a story about the Apple of discord. 3 beautiful Goddesses: Gera, Athena and Aphrodite got and apple with title “For the most beautiful”. Each of them wanted to get this title. In the end it was given to Aphrodite in exchange for the most beautiful women in the world, Helene. What happened after – war of Troy, with lots of victims and wasted resources for it, useless war actually. The goddesses were too busy with their ego and competition and they had no business, what will be the consequences.

In corporate world we often face some politics, which are going on. Like in example of the myth if management of the company gives an opportunity to ego to overcome the professional characteristics it will have disastrous consequences for the employees who will face only the end point

Monday 17 May, 2010

Part 3.Attitude to foreigners.

I will put in the form of statements, how I see it. And describe each one a bit.

Foreigners have money.

Why this one is coming as the first one to my mind? May be because of everyday communication with sellers, drivers, when they try to cheat you? if I’m going to the shop, I check for the written prices, thanks, every item has printed price on it. It’s really hard to explain, that you’re earning on the same level as an average Indian employee in corporate sphere.

special price” – common expression, which you hear, when say ‘no’ for the first time in barging. Barging also has its structure. First you ask the price (if you ask in Hindi, you should know enough to be able to understand the answer), sure, price will be too high. You say ‘no, babba’ and try to go. This is where round 2 of the battle starts, babba will check how much he can earn on you with giving you an opportunity to think, that you have cool negotiation skills. Number of round depends on your wish to have something, patience and the real (reasonable) price for smth. In the tourist places you can start from 300 and buy for 25 -30 rupees. ‘Poker face’ skill will help you a lot in such kind of the negotiations.

For me the most uncomfortable situation is when you need to remind about 2-5 rupees change to somebody. It’s very small money, but if you don’t have them, nobody will give you something in the shop. Sometimes I just go for the principle, if you write such kind of prices, then find change. May be I’m cheap, but I don’t think so.

I like rickshaw drivers for this. When you are walking on the street, lots of them will stop and propose their service, the funniest thing is that I’m walking with the helmet from the bike))

For system of price differentiation was very strange for the first time. When you go to the historical monument, you need to pay 10-20 times more, than Indians. Now we manage it somehow with driver’s licenses and other tricks. Actually I understand the origin of it. For travelers from Europe 5 euro entrance for the museum is not a big price. And it becomes quite good business.

Remembered one funny moment. Agra fort, street café. Menu with the prices of good restaurant, when we almost had left, the waiter brought us a menu with Indian prices, which were half of it. The same printing, the same dishes, you’ll never see the difference from the other table. Creativity, yeah? )

Beggars – I don’t like when they touch me. brrr… feel very bad about it. I often think, what happens to these nice small girls, when they have grown up? Die? Become prostitutes? How many of them go to any basic studies? And their parents are not far from the kids, sitting on the sides of the roads and sending them to beg.

part 2. a bit about paople and habits.


They really have things which I like a lot, and things, which I don’t understand to great extent.


The most different thing is time management. 5 minutes mean 30 minutes and more. After some time you’re quite sure, that if event is planned at 11 – in corporate it will start at 11.15 at least, and informal one 12.00 – 12.30. And this is ok.

Expression of the opinions. Indians tend to say their thoughts in indirect way. there is no direct ‘No’, they have ‘may be later’ which has the same meaning.

Opinions of bosses and elders are respected to great extend, even if sometimes they’re not very correct.

There was very good pic, which showed the difference between Indian and Western expression of opinions. Western is a straight line, Indian is a labyrinth with the end quite far from the beginning (actually, I suggest, that end point and start one should be the same)

Indian guys. Each rule has its exceptions, but if to take in general you get too much attention from their side. And the stereotype, that western women are easier in approach is alive in 50% of cases at least. In the beginning I paid no attention on the looks on the streets, then it start to be noticeable, and now I develop my patience not to get irritated, when you walk on the streets. I’m ok with normal looking, but feel very uncomfortable when it’s written ‘I want you’ with a big letters inside of the eyes. One of the most stupid things – is to give your number to somebody on the party. Strange, when they write you love messages after 30 minutes talk somewhere on the common friends party or start to call you ‘dear friend’. Which friend? I have seen you once. It will be ok, if somebody wants to make friends with you, but all of them escape after getting an answer on the question “Do you have a boyfriend?” – “Yes, I have, want to see the pic???”. Yeah, then it becomes quite funny. Guys, why do you think, that foreign girl is only waiting to become your ‘girlfriend’ after one meeting and 100 of crappy love messages from your side? Is it working with indian girls?

Yeah, in any case, I thank you because I develop my patience with you)))

One more time I admit that each observation has its exceptions and I know them very well.

Spirit of competition. This is really different, but it’s easy to explain. Indians compete 24x7. it’s very visible in the workplace, in the educational establishments. But it’s reasonable. You have a population more than 1 billion and not so much of good jobs. Only the best people will get the best things. This gives 2 more topics for the discussion, like society and education.

What I like:

They are very helpful even if they don’t know your language.

That people I got to know more they are people of big hearts and deep souls.

Very knowledgeable. Lots of people who’re subject matter experts in their respective fields.

Some common habits:

Mobile phones. It’s impossible to see proper Indian without proper mobile. Notice – most of them get mobiles when they enter college or 10th-12th standards. They like and can speak hours on mobile (observed on some friends of mine). Actually, it’s also easy to explain, after college they settle in different cities and this is the easiest way to keep in touch, when you’re 1000 km one from each other. Lot’s of people have blackberries. This means 2 things: some social status(they are quite expensive) and unlimited access to the internet and social networks. So these guys are quite addicted to gtalk)) it’s so funny, when your neighbor in cinema is typing messages for the entire movie on his BB.

Social networks. The most common ones are facebook and Orkut. I have a feeling, that orkut is an indian - brasilian social network. Facebook is a great opportunity to keep in touch, I’m getting used to it, because I’m more addicted to its Russian version.

Free time. Indians are real movie freaks! And I like it a lot. Each week only 3 english movies are realized, so there is a plenty of opportunities what to watch. And lot’s of hindi movies. I had a stereotype that all Indian movies are from Bollywood. This is not true. Definitely a lot of movies are, but each state has its own movies. In its own language. If to take into consideration that in general population of the states is near 50mln each…))

Parties. Why do they end at 11.30? as maximum at 1.30 in very good clubs. Yeah, got used to Ukrainian parties, which only starts at 11 p.m. The music is ok, but the same. Actually I didn’t see a lot of new tracks in club music for these 8 months.

Most of the places have ‘couple entrance’, for my CS it’s quite interesting question, because we have more guys than girls.

Walking on foot. It’s quite hard to find a place in Pune, where you can do it. in the late evenings it’s not the safest decision and the roads are not for it. So you can go around your society for number of times)) Jogging is available in new societies with nice roads.

to be continued...

Internship memories. Part 1.

I started to write this series of notes to share with you all the things, which I’ve felt during this internship with Suzlon in Pune, India. It will be about everything, all that will come to my mind, all memories and thoughts.

Let’s start from The Company.

Suzlon Energy Limited together with Re-Power is 3rd world largest wind energy company. Details you can get to know on their web-site In India it has biggest market share and is providing it’s customers with new turnkey solutions. Headquarters of Suzlon in India are in Pune, that was the place, where I was lucky to stay for last 9 months.

I had no clue about wind energy before coming to Pune at all. Ok, a little bit to be able to talk for first 5 minutes. Because of this exp, I’ve enriched my knowledge in this area to a great extent.

My department has been GLD which stands for Global Learning and Development. The main aim of it was – make Suzlon a learning organization and ensure the best quality of learning experiences for each employee to make company achieve its goals and in long-term – vision.

I have been a part of Global Leadership Excellence team, which was later transformed to Global Talent Management team. The responsibilities of the team were more about the behavioral part of the trainings, provided for the employees. Actually I want to say thank you to my team, I got very interesting team experience, high criteria, which was challenging to achieve and prove that you can do it. One of my dreams start to become true, I’m passionate about facilitating and training and I got a practical xp in this area. It’s a magic of the training, when you read, prepare content, exercises, put yourself on the place of the learners and in the end you see their eyes, and understand that it was worth all this preparation and efforts! It’s a crazy feeling, which drives you ahead! And I want to say thank you to people, who supported me in it.

What I have learnt from all 9 months?

I had an XP in multinational company. And it’s worth a lot.

I got to know indian business culture

Met very knowledgeable and challenging people, and people who’re depressive and indifferent to their job

Understood, that you’re the only one person, who needs your projects to be done the most. So if you need smth to be done, you need to put 120% of your efforts and not forget to push your teammates a bit.

Get to know different view on time and deadlines. Where ‘In 30 minutes’ can mean ‘After lunch’ or even ‘Tomorrow’

Actually, I’m very grateful to this experience, because it gave me an opportunity to look at myself from the other side and:

- ask – how often do I do extra mile?

- find – my passion in work

- develop – patience , English and communication skills

- meet – people, who became my real friends

- make – stupid mistakes and analyze them later

- observe – great variety of personalities

- practice – all the mind techniques I read in the books

- search – and find motivation within self.

- grow – as a facilitator

Suzlon will always stay in my experience as a big milestone. And I thank you for this first stage in my professional life.

Sunday 16 May, 2010

Weekend is flying away, bringing very nice moments with it. lot's of them, even if you're not going out of Pune.
this on we ha a lot of guests in our house, friend of Cesar came from Hyderabad and Lek came with her friend from Mumbai.
Now tasty smells are coming from the kitchen, Lek and James are making some magic with the chicken and fish there)) mmmm, yammy... actually i should try to learn something from them, but i was more in chatting and doing my stuff for the entire day))
It's possible to call this day - movie day)) i'm lucky for 2 awesome movies: 'Remember me', this one is new and was released only yesterday. Very strong message was conveyed, we should really value all that people which are important in life, because you really don't know what will happen in the next moment or will this next moment happen at all. so many things can be taken for granted, and you lost the value of each single moment. i'm talking about myself first of all. and about people who're far away now, in Ukraine, in different countries.
Second one was 'Peacefull warrior'. just think, what is 'happy' for you and do it) that's all. and doesn't matter if you'll be successfull in eyes of other people or not, in any case, it's your life, first of all))
Travelling, travelling, travelling... Parvati temple. i like this place a lot. there is some nice atmosphere,so you want to come there more and more times. just a place) but somehow it's special )) one more thing -we're always going there with new members of CS. this time was not exception also)))
Last, but not the least, was talkin to Martin. I was so glad to hear his voice after one week of him coming back to Holland. Yeah, i left you like the most delicious part - in the end of my post, like prawns in biriyani)))) hehehe)))) it's so cool to remember all the moments we had in India, CS, all the funny things, which were happening ))) i really believe, that we'll keep in touch till the next meeting somewhere on this big small planet)

Tuesday 11 May, 2010

Friday 7 May, 2010

Farewell party was cool. If you can say in this way about such kind of parties. You don't say bye, you say see you soon)) and it'll become true)
Amount of ppl was the maximum, i have seen in the flat for the entire 8 months))) hope to see pics tonight)
Was happy to talk to Martin after long period of time. moments and memories)) so funny)) it's somthing, that will stay with you doesn't matter how far you're one from each other. Very curious, when he is going to open our present)
Actually, today is my last Suzlon anniversary - exactly 8 months as i joined it. want to thanks to Suzlon for the experience of working in 3rd largest in the world wind energy company and those opportunities you gave to me. If i missed any of them - let it be) thank you for giving me undestanding of indian business culture and opportunity to practice facilitation and english skills.

Thursday 6 May, 2010

mood: happy with spice of farewells. I got attached to these people. Moments are coming to mind:

Davi: ‘New Brazilian is coming’ – happiness was written on the face of Edu. After work we knocked at the door of 7b, which was the first time when I saw Davi. Then I have no idea, that he will appear very strong personality with kind and adventurous soul.

Moments are coming to mind…

Visit to Parwati Hill with Davi. First pics with jumps in front of the temple, which was repeated on our next trip.

Trip to Raingard fort with you and Kunal. 6 hours in local bus. Hell of pics. Like when you’re posing, you appear really cool on them)) 2 news in the evening: there is a bus, but it’s at 11.30 p.m. Arrival at 5 a.m. in Pune.

Guitar and Portuguese songs. I really like when you play. And when Tony sings in portugese.))) It reminds me about Mulshi))

Michal farewell and your sari dress)) Especially some parts of it.

Mumbai and your face for some very small and strange, but expensive dish from the menu)

Caperinia, which was the longest last drink in our flat.

Vici’s party and your mustaches. You look very sexy with them.

You dance some Latin dance with Andre.

Talking to you almost every day about different things))

Martin’s appearance in CS was also announced by Edu. ))) Funny, he was the first point of contact for both of you) So, let’s wait for Dutch, crazy Dutch, as per our previous XP. It became true. Even if you didn’t live in cycle society, you were quite often with us.

And I found a true friend with strong and crazy character and deep soul)


Evenings in CS, when you just appeared. Chatting about different stuff.

Thali restaurant and ‘cherry dish’

Chinese game with fingers, which I didn’t understand, but you were playing it with Veronica.

Why not? As your motto and trip to Goa. ‘No-no limits to reach to the sky’)) passion to cashews, prawns and incredible things.

Your face expressions)) and first time when I saw you in glasses and quite official style.

You and Utkarsh)) haha)) Polar but similar))

18 hours in the bus to Hampi and stories about 3 flat tires on your way to Goa.

Basketball. There were a lot of talks about it, but only when you appeared we started to play it.

You and your Royal Enfield. This incredible couple) and idea about the trip from India to Holland by bike. I hope you’ll realize it one day;))

Wednesday 5 May, 2010

i started to feel homesick. as soon as i get my dates confirmed, this feeling appeared. when everything is ambigous you're too busy to think about it. now it came, sometimes i see, what i will do as soon as i come back. i miss my close people, and skype is not a best solution. may be it's true, that ancient warriors took a small piece of their land with them to battlefields and got energy from it. i'll check it, even if i get bored of my city in 5 days, it will be later. now i want to feel that poluted air and see gray hat of gases, when you enter the city by train.

And i know that my journey ahead has only started and Mariupol will be just a rest before another stage of life and i'm so happy because of it. Life is an excellent thing.

It's intersting to meet all the ppl there. My mom tells me that i changed a lot, strting from my clear foreign accent. I don't notice it. Sometimes i get a bit lost, which language i'm thinking and speaking.

Where is my home now? what is home - place where you want to come everyday and feel comfortable. if take this defenition, what will i feel? these are the open-ended questions, which come to my mind.

how do i feel in India? can say, that quite comfortable. For sure, there are things, which remain strange for me, but in general i got so used already.

Lets see, time will show...